With 3 to 5 inches of fresh Essence covering the dance floor, the morning was looking promising. The visibility was a bit of a challenge, and the morning crew took the bold step into the abyss of Mineral Basin, which required a sixth sense indeed. Fortunately, the visibility after the upper 200′ was quite good and the un tracked perfection of the Lewis and Clark area felt like frosting a cake with a paper knife. We had to make numerous laps out there to get as much of that bit of goodness as was possible. On the front of the hill, a bit shorter accumulation was in evidence, but the medium density product cushioned the ride and made carving full depth arcs easy and predictable. Off trail, the rumble was still working, but the new cushion really improved the lines that I checked out. We got as much as we could pack into the morning session and convened at the Forklift where the Chairman of the Board was holding court and all data points were shared and collated. Snow continued to fall all day long and just a couple of patches of blue passed by teasing us with visibility.
I ran into TEAM KILLINGTON, who were enjoying the Summit at Hidden Peak. Come to find out, we all know the same people, which is an interesting evidence of just a few degrees of separation. If we had dug a bit deeper we might have made the Kevin Bacon connection. Tomorrow, look for more Essence to have fallen overnight, more stormy conditions all day long, and great snow to be had where ever you look. Coverage continues to be good overall, but keep your eyes pealed for those features that have been uncovered and then re covered by the recent snow. Get ready for a few days of this storm cycle to keep things interesting and fresh. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!
1-05-16 by dave
Nice shot of Team Killington Dave. More members will be arriving on Thursday. We will look for you.
Scott Webb
Nice unintended (?) reference to “FLAKES” by Frank Zappa????
“I’m a moron and this is my wife….she’s frosting a cake with a paper knife”….
Either way nice touch, can’t wait to see for myself in March !!!!
That Zappa reference was indeed intentional, and I am so glad you caught it. Flakes Flakes!!!