After heavy rain pounded the Trailer all night long, there was a few inches of fresh frosting on the top 1000′ of the hill. The snow underneath the new product had not frozen, so the off trail lines were the best quality they have been in a while. Here is a shot of the Twins from the peak as I motored out to the Road to Provo. I kept lapping the Rasta Chutes and Last Chance due to the high quality feel of the snow. There was just a bit of Sun coming through the high clouds during a very short window before the weather moved back in later in the morning. The Groomers were fairly frozen for the first hour, so staying on the off trail and getting the goods there was the call. On the lower mountain, the rain had granulated the snow crystals, making Big Emma a treat on the trip down to the bottom. The stroll across the melted off part of Bass Highway is no problem and gives you a chance to look at all the terrain we go over without a thought. Interesting point of reference. Here is a shot of Toad Hill in Mineral Basin with the new snow freshening the pack. There were interesting clouds building back there as the weather was moving in.
I was looking back into Mineral Basin wishing I could go get those big lines, but….. next season. Tomorrow, look for a bit clearer morning as it is predicted to dry out for the beginning of the day. Depending on the overnight temps., the freeze or no freeze conditions will have to be experienced to know. Today’s off trail was a real surprise. Very interesting turn of events. There is still plenty of snow, as there has been little Sun to work the pack. See you there for the morning session. Syrup won’t stop ‘EM!!!
5-06-15 by dave