Well, well, well, a full week has passed since the last day of skiing and I have had a chance to decompress and reflect on the past season. It certainly ended with a bang as everyone who was there for the 4 day Memorial day weekend blast will attest, and the installment we got the previous weekend gave the extra goodness that carried the energy all the way to the end. Now the creek is rising with the run off as the pack returns to the Big Cycle, where it must go before it’s return. Even though the quantity of depth did not add up to an average year, the base sure hit the mark. The early arrival of some great installments got the hill off to a quick start, which eclipsed last year’s scenario. We got the goods as we needed it, and it gave the mountain crew plenty to work with. Those in between times, saw some really phenomenal conditions, as the wind kicked in to smooth some of the big Mineral Basin shots, not to mention the few times the Upper Cirque got the wind buff as well. Skiing into Great Scott from the top, without having to work into it is such a treat, and I held on to those times with relish all season, as it would get so worked in seemed unmakeable. The Grooming Crew did a masterful job of keeping the hill ready to rock every morning, offering some of the most sumptuous velvet lines top to bottom. MMMMMM GOOOD!!! There was always something going off on the hill every day, and it did not matter if we got the goods or not, there was something to find if you looked. The Lewis and Clark tours offered relaxed private resort skiing every morning, even when the front of the hill was crowded. Those low angle runs and empty chairs were the bonus round more often than not. The Patrol did a great job getting the hill opened as the days progressed, and it was a treat to have fresh areas to hit when the ropes dropped. This is a hill that keeps on giving. I also am so thankful for all the friends who shared the season, amping the energy on the Tram and watching the performance level go off the charts, as the faithful pushed the limits of intense excitement every day. The lines I saw folks put down just dazzled me and I had to stop and watch as I could not believe the new and fresh ways that folks are seeing the hill. It is all in the imagination, and they can imagine a lot. A special thanks to all the folk who contributed to my site, it really helped defray the costs of the servers. I changed to an upgraded server mid season as the old one was not performing. So thanks again to all for the generous support. I have some ideas for the site for next season, with, perhaps, t shirts and original prints. The trailer is road ready and I will be leaving this week for the High Desert where I will be searching the Cosmic Frequencies for the Transmissions that I am fully set up to intercept. I will make some trips back to the Bird to climb a bit and I will post from time to time and keep you apprised on the wildflower situation. Here is a shot from my buddies Dave and Mike’
s hike straight up Old Reliable the other day. Damn, that is a steep long shot. Looks as rad as it is and they did this just this week. I hope everyone has a great Summer, and I look forward to seeing you all when the Cycle returns. Syrup won’t stop ‘Em!!!
Hats off to the grooming crew espically the last couble of weeks they did great for not having a lot of material to work . High skill set
Iconic photo!
See you on the tram next season!
Best Regards,
Lisa and George IV
p.s. “Snowbird Secrets”…a must read by every serious skier!