12-07-18 by dave

The Faithful were on hand early this morning to get the opening of the Peruvian Gulch. After a slight delay, the gulch opened offering a huge selection of lines, with some obvious areas held out of the mix. Excellent grooming had been done to make those lines of un tracked corduroy an amazing treat. I was just looking around checking what’s what, so I stuck to the prepared lines and watched what was going on out and about. I will let the folks find all the features and it will be good to go after the next installment. Here is a shot looking into Mineral Basin from the peak. The fresh lines got worked over very quickly, and it was getting set up quickly. The west side of the hill was great as well, with very wide open lines as everyone was focused on the other side. Here is a shot of Superior shining in the Sun. It is getting worked from the peak, even with this early pack. Tomorrow, look for extensive grooming to have been done on all sides of the hill. The off trail will still be offering challenging conditions, that will require a deliberate approach to keep from getting knocked around. Those fresh snow groomed areas are so sweet, and felt like a deep pile rug. Got to love that. Here is a shot I took the other day that I noticed had a big ring in the sky, which is a sure sign of good things to come. I will be taking the day off tomorrow to rest up for next week. Get some of those great early morning corduroy lines. IBBY!

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