There was an overnight sensation, as additional accumulation was delivered and covered the Dance Floor with a nice 3 to 4 inches of goodness to start out the day. Visibility was marginal indeed and the Morning Crew took the challenge by diving into Mineral Basin, where we found that White Diamonds had been buffed and covered, but that was just a guess as the pitch could not be seen at all, and only a total commitment to the fall line was going to answer the question. Over on the Lewis and Clark area, the lower angle groomers were sumptuous, but there again, the visibility was an issue. On the front of the hill, the trees offered a bit more definition, but sticking with the Groomers was where you would find the consistent ride. The off trail was still soft just about everywhere I checked and the final closure was opened. The Exotic Trees were sublime, with very deep lines that were truly bottomless and offered full facial treatments top to bottom. It was so worth the wait. Here is a great shot of Caitlin, who is a great photographer, getting ready to go up on the hill and get those shots of the deep and creamy. There were a few glimpses Sun pockets illuminating the Cirque a few times, but the clouds moved in again with associated snow fall that made the visibility move toward Zero Zero. I took that opportunity to go out to the far reaches of Little Cloud in search of lost pockets of goodness and found this rock feature sticking up out of the wind sculpted snow. Below this was the line
I was looking for that had escaped detection in the white out conditions. That rock has seen untold Winters and seemed quite relaxed there on top of the ridge line. Tomorrow, look for improving weather and perhaps a bit more accumulation on the Dance Floor for the morning session. All off trail lines are still offering soft cold snow that has yet to be kissed with the Sun, but that will not last long if the Sun is out in force. Stay out ahead of the rays for the best quality as the Sun clocks around the dial. The hill is in great shape and you will find the goods if you look a bit toward the edges. Stay Frosty!!
3-31-16 by dave