The stoke was high as the early risers lined up for the Tram and Gad Zoom to get this party started. With the inversion socking in the Valley, there were much clearer skies and just some high clouds for the morning session. The snow guns were blazing top to bottom, delivering dry chalky gun powder to add some traction to a very firm base that has been built up with the Snow Crew concentrating efforts to make the coverage very good top to bottom. I did not see any rocks at all, though one needed to stay on the prepared lines, as off the prepared lines was very thin indeed. Traffic was brisk, but the up hill capacity made the turn around time quick and easy.

Tomorrow, look for more cover to have been added to the pack with the ongoing snow making efforts, a refreshed grooming job, and dry chalky lines to be on hand for the early risers. I expect similar traffic for tomorrow’s attendance, so be sure to use care and watch for fast movers.

There were very thick clouds in the inversion layer in the lower canyon, so expect possible black ice in the AM as temps will be cold again. See you there for the early season training session. Stay Frosty!!!