12-12-23 by dave

It was a clear calm morning with some very high thin clouds moving fast. The pack is firming up markedly each day, however, there is enough dust, gunpowder, and accumulation resting in the low areas to keep the traction happening, but one must expect some serious drift through the turn motion to keep the flow moving consistently. Admittedly, having butter knife edges does not help getting much of a grip, but it does leave me free not to have to impact my knees with any chatter trying to hang on. Sometimes a bit of drift is OK. Baldy opened with a light traffic working the section, which left plenty of lines to ply with repeated visits to the fresh lines. The untracked was mature, so it was not blower, but it was very consistent and well worth the effort. Coverage is good.

Nice to have clarity in the valley. It is a rare sight to see the floor this detailed

Tomorrow, look for more firm conditions on the prepared lines. I’ll be looking for more openings, so listen up on the Tram announcements. It should be another clear morning, though it takes a while for the Sun to rise up high enough to add definition to the pack after the very flat morning light. See you there dark and early for continued training laps. Remain Standing.

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