With only and inch overnight, the wind was the driving force that placed a fresh coating over the hill. While more of the old crust was peaking through, the filled in lines were offering some righteous goodness on those wind buffed aspects. With a slight delay of Mineral Basin and the Road to Provo, other options needed to be explored. The deep interference patterns continue to be well defined despite the new snow, due to the solid foundation of old pack from which they were built. The higher density product still has the good cushion, but the high amplitude needs to be addressed. I was looking for the smooth from yesterday, and when I found it, I was rewarded with stellar quality and effortless turns. Here is another shot of the far reaches taken from the very boundary line looking South. There are some big lines out there…… someday!!Tomorrow, look for more great lines to be found all over the hill. Look to the High North, which still holds the smooth underneath the new product. The Groomers will be off the charts perfect, and with predicted clearing skies, look for Mineral Basin to offer the morning fun in the Sun. The Free Ride Comp is being held over the weekend, so those venue areas will be closed for the competition. There is still plenty of terrain to get all over the hill. There are a lot of folks here for the comp, so there has been a bit more pressure for the first boat, so line up early to get the first one up. The Chairs are walk on fast, though the Mineral Chair backs up around 10:00 AM when everyone shows up. That is the time to hit the other fast options. It will be a great day with great conditions, and warmer temps as the day develops. See you there for the morning fun fest. Peace Out!!
2-04-15 by dave