2-04-23 by dave

That late arriving cloud deck yesterday moved out and left another beautiful day with bright Sun and warming temps. Traffic was brisk and The Faithful were pulled into Mineral Basin’s fully illuminated bowls. The groomers had been prepared on all sides of the hill, which were offering smooth dry chalky lines, though they have been getting firmer by the day. There have been numerous new and exciting lines worked this past week, which have still been holding up the smooth even after a fair amount of traffic.

The Bronze of Dick Bass watches over The Faithful with a full blast of Essence leaving a trail behind him. Thank you Dick for manifesting your dream.

Tomorrow, look for the next storm to be moving in during the afternoon hours, with precursor conditions out ahead of it’s arrival. That may include some wind, flat light and some variable visibility. Look for the Groomers to still be offering the smooth lines. The off trail is still holding the cold dry chalk, however, the usual high traffic patterns are wide spread. I will be looking for some wind buffed lines if we get a increase in wind speed overnight. The hill is in great shape for this incoming storm. Keep it tight!!!

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