Early morning clouds moved off just in time of the opening bell, with just 12 of the faithful waiting for the lift to open. With a base temp. of 50Degrees one would think the pack would already have broken, but the pack was fairly crispy top to bottom. Stout South winds were making the ride up the lift interesting, which persuaded the Morning Crew to forego a trip to the top to get a look at Gad 2. There, we found Gadzooks to have been retilled, offering a Winter dry chalk that made the turns a bit more realistic relative to the more frozen lines. The Sun would make short work of the freeze, and by 10:30 AM. the sorbet goodness was really happening, though the upper elevations would have to wait for another hour or so. Here is a great shot sent by Jake, which shows 3 Marmots basking in the morning Sun after a Winter of deep sleep. The way they were playing was fun to watch. After the lower elevations began to get soft, the Morning Crew headed to the top to get those wide open lines that had been prepared. Here is a long shot of Regulator taken from the top of Mark Malu, which had just broken on the far left side.
We followed the Sun, but kept going back to get that Zooks section that is such a rarity to see buffed out like that. Steep, consistent, and buttery were the turns that were offered there, making the detour there well worth dialing in. Here is a great shot of Jake and I standing at the top of Regulator, which still had not quite broken, so it was a lesson in shmooze and slide to get down the break over until the break made it a carving sensation.
Tomorrow, look for another corn fest during the morning session. There may be some overcast skies, but they might move off like they did today. We will just have to wait and see. Look for more retilled lines to be happening, and look for the aspects that have had the Sun playing on them for the best early softness. That Lower Bassakward line has been stellar from the very first chair, so don’t miss that piece of delicious. See you there for the corn festival. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!
5-04-16 by dave