5-03-24 by dave

There was a light dusting of fresh Essence overnight, leaving a couple of inches of cushion on the dance floor. The Peruvian Chair was brought back on line to take the place of the Tram which was still having issues. The clouds cleared as the morning got going, lighting up Mineral Basin, which offered some fair turning on the machine worked lines as well as the off trail areas. With the light traffic this past week, and the draw of the prepared lines, the off trail was smoothing out nicely, making some good lines to work.

Jake sent this great shot of his turns in the fresh spring Essence out in Mineral Basin.

Tomorrow, look for a cold morning with warming temps are going to get mild. There should be nicely prepared lines and still some soft off trail lines to find if you look. I expect traffic to be brisk to start, but there should be little back up at all. Coverage remains excellent top to bottom, though I expect there to be some sticky sections on the lower mountain as the day heats up, so watch your roll going into the flats. Be sure to stick around for some great music as Plazapalooza is on. Lots of great vibes and sounds to round out the day. Remain Standing!!

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