3-03-23 by dave

The Faithful showed up early and strong for today’s festivities. It began snowing with intent as the temps seemed to drop at bit, bringing big lacy flakes which began to build up. Visibility was difficult with the intensity of the snow fall and the clouds shrouded the hill. The Free Ride competition was being held up on Upper Silver Fox, which contributed to the large turn out. The snow was still soft and the new product was filling in the pack quickly. Conditions are amazing wall to wall with great cover with all this snow we have been receiving. The Upper Cirque is really filled in across the face and lines that have been dicey in the past years are full and fat.

Here is a shot of The Jazzman working the sunshine and deep lines out on The Bookends.

Tomorrow, look for more snow to be in the forecast, with a fair accumulation expected for the day. Visibility will be an issue once again, so plan on that and dress for weather and cold. The Competition will still be going on, but it is easily circumvented, and will not be at all a problem. What an amazing pattern we have been having, so enjoy the fresh lines and find your favorite line wherever that may take you. Straight Ahead.

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