The goodness just keeps comin’ as this cut off Low keeps turning and not moving much, but is continually adding up the deep. With all the new snow, the substrate is becoming a non issue and great turns are happening all over the hill. This has been a really great pause in the Spring feel, bringing back Winter for The faithful. It is raining here at The Trailer as I write this and that translates to more goodness up on the hill. Here is a shot of Professor Tom up on Baldy dialing in the full measure of Essence.

Thanks to Mikey M for sending along these great shots that really tell the story, no words required. Tomorrow, look for additional accumulation as these impulses keep pumping through with the rotation. Lots of areas of the hill have remained closed, so there is plenty of Uber deep coming up. The forecast is for a continued unsettled pattern, so visibility will remain an issue, but the conditions remain deep and Winter worthy. I expect fair pressure for the goods, so use the chair option for the best access. Don’t Touch That Dial!!