12-07-22 by dave

With the inversion well established in the Valley, The Bird was above the clouds and awash in Sunshine. It was a treat to ascend out of the clouds into the bright morning clarity. The Groomers were reworked and had an extra special feel, with some delightful washes of Gun Powder that was being pumped out on the hill as the cold air conditions were perfect for kicking out some serious goodness. Super light traffic made for back to back laps that kept the stoke high. It was good to get some smooth sliding to keep the pace consistent. The Road to Provo opened again and offered some fresh lines to find if you took the initiative.

Doc taking advantage of a new opening and finding goodness the cold morning air.

The day warmed up a bit as the Sun got higher in the sky, but the snow stayed dry, cold, and fast.

Ms Beverly and Mr Biittner enjoying some moments of mirth in the locker room. Ready to rock and happy to be here.

Tomorrow, look for another great day of wide open, hard drivin’ fun. The Groomers will be providing amazing carpets of AHHHH, and I expect continued light traffic. Coverage remains excellent, with most features well covered by the past few storms. The off trail still has some soft aspects, but the stiff consistency in areas require a full power approach to blast through. I will be dressing for a cold morning, but things will warm up as the day progresses. Straight Ahead!!!

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