High pressure returned to the weather pattern after a nice stretch of new accumulation over the past week. After yesterday’s storm riding extravaganza, the faithful made a full return to get the areas that had been held off because of the control issues. After a short delay, Mineral Basin was opened with a La Mans start that was awesome to witness. The Road to Provo opened after the control work was complete, and the faithful lined up to get the rope drop to the last area to open. I witnessed the crowd consume the untracked perfection in around 3 minutes flat. Here is a shot of Last Chance just before the opening, looking pristine indeed. I just went the other way and scored the unnoticed drop of another gem that was as good as it gets. The underlying interference patterns were still reflecting through the accumulation, but the higher density product totally cushioned the ride and made these features actually fun. The wind was another feature of the day, but it did not impinge on the quality too much, except for the wind affecting some of that East facing product. Here is a shot of the East Twin taken from the top of Gad 2 with the wind ripping the ridge lines. The quality held up nicely all day long, with only the aspects that were taking a lot of direct Sun feeling the heat. The Harbor Chop was very slow to develop, making the worked sections fun and blastable.
Tomorrow, look for the Groomers to be off the charts ripping, offering carvalicious Hydro Velvet all over the hill. The soft quality will still be holding up on most aspects, with the High North a given for soft snow. Interference patterns will be quick to re emerge as the hill gets worked, but there will still be some smooth lines to find if you look to the less traveled sections. The weather should be great again, with bright Sun and a continued Northerly flow to keep the temps cool for the morning. The temps should warm up in the afternoon, so follow the Sun for the best quality. See you for the ground pounding morning session. Don’t forget to SIZZLE!!
3-04-15 by dave
The Harbour Chop noted by dave long ago, and again yesterday, on Tuesday, was of such extreme effect because of the intense snowfall and very flat light. It suggested the real thing being experienced in a small boat in the water troughs and peaks of a storm tossed harbour. Then add the very limited vis.
Image being in the boat, sliding and careening up and down the mostly rigid wave surfaces. Slam and bam that goes up with the fog.
I love the Le Mans reference and can fully visualize everything getting chewed within 3 minutes out Road to Provo-way once it opened up there. I made the mistake of showing up at 10 AM yesterday – I should have known there would be no parking. We need to expand or make more flexible the mass transit system up and down the Cottonwoods.