1-18-22 by dave

There were high clouds floating over the peaks this morning, but the Sun was burning through them, letting plenty of Sunshine through and illuminating the Dance Floor. Mineral Basin was offering the smooth goods, with Silver Dipper getting the Industrial Smoothing treatment for the first time of the season. That was a treat and was worth a few laps back there until it was found out. The front of the hill was offering great lines on the Peruvian Gulch, where middle, and lower Primrose path had been prepared in fine style, offering wonderful granular carpets that let you really dial the juice into each turn with unmitigated audacity.

This shot of Silver Dipper was taken last year, but this morning’s offering was every bit as delightful.

Regulator and the West side of the hill had consolidated quite a bit and required a more measured approach, though there was plenty of soft dust on the prepared lines to keep things real. Tomorrow, look for more partly cloudy skies, but I think, like today, it will burn off and visibility should be excellent. The hill remains in great shape, with the Sun still low in the sky and the dry chalky feel holding up nicely. IBBY!!!

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