1-03-11 by dave

Another beautiful Sunny morning greeted the few who showed up for a grooming extravaganza that invited rounditudinous trenching  in the velvet carpet that stretched top to bottom.  The Mineral Basin offered newly Groomed steep pitches to descend, as well as some North East facing wind slab that had become supportable since yesterday.  The front side of the hill featured Regulator covered in Gun Powder, as the continued snow making effort supplied perfect deposits of carvelicity.  With low attendance, back to back Trams were giving the vert. crew a full dose of the hydro velvet.  Expanded Grooming efforts continue to make the hill big mountain smooth and shredible, with some rare and unlikely shots punched out, that were worth many return trips to take advantage of the unusual access.   Take a  second in the AM. to check out the Grooming report for, yet, more surprise sections to enjoy with zero pressure.  Tomorrow, look for more of the off trail to become worth the exploration, as the traffic and consolidation refine the otherwise styrafoamic consistency of the high density crud.  Also look for continued Groomer lines for absolutely faultless descents.   You have to love perfection, and take full advantage of the 40” of Zero Percent that is available for those morning attendees.  Another one of the  incredible features of today was the passage of snow filled cloudlets, which left light density flakes floating in the air, that refracted the light of the Sun into scintillating pillars of light hanging in middle of the bowls.  Here is a shot of one such pillar of light in Powder Paradise.   As bright as this seems, you were able to look directly into the light and see the individual flakes swirling in the still cold air.  This is a very rare  phenomenon, that I had  just described to two visitors


a couple of Trams previously.  Synchronicity?  You tell me!  Be there for the first of the day and participate in the vibe and drive of the morning charge!!!   Ciao!

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