It was still cool this morning, making the break take a bit longer. There were nice freshly prepared lines off the Baldy Chair, which was the last day of operation this season. Claim Jumper was prepared and was offering corn goodness and I was able to get the very first line on that corduroy. I did a bunch of laps back there before the folks started getting there. Peruvian Gulch was breaking slowly and a good bit of tenterization efforts had been performed, which offered deep sugary consistency that offered full platform engagement. The Road to Provo and Regulator were the last to break, making for a nice break as you followed the Sun.

Great music was on tap on the Plaza and the Sun and temps were just right. Tomorrow, look for the beginnings of the effects of the next weather change. I expect another good break, but there may be some partly cloudy skis. We’ll have to see how that shakes out. Check the Bird site for any new closures and restrictions as we move forward. There is still plenty of cover and conditions are excellent. Keep it tight!!!