4-17-19 by dave

The Sun was out, bright, and there was full vision wall to wall for today’s festivities. A few inches of very light Essence added to the pack, bringing a more Winter like feel even after the past few day’s variable conditions. Here is a shot of Mikey M getting his blast on and blowing it up.

Full on blower Essence was on tap today.

The Peruvian Gulch opened after a short delay, which offered really smooth lines top to bottom as the pack had smoothed out quite a bit. The Upper Cirque was offering similar smooth lines that let you dial it up and dial it in. Mineral Basin was opened around 11AM with a some variable conditions. Powder Paradise and The Road to Provo remained closed all day. Here is a shot that Neil sent of The Little Cloud area, perfect in the morning light.

The Twins with the ultimate coating of goodness wall to wall.

The relatively cool temps kept the pack from going South on the front side of the hill, and the groomed lines were offering a dry chalky feel well after Noon. Later, the ambient temps at the lower elevations did begin to make the pack a bit manky. Here is another shot of The Twins from the deep trees.

The West Twin deeply coated in the ultimate goodness this late in the Spring

Tomorrow, look for still soft snow on the High North, more areas still waiting in the wings, and amazing grooming efforts on all sides of the hill. The recent product is making some very good tilling material and you can take out your carving utensils and lay it over like Ligety. It will be a great day and traffic should be fairly light.

Lise getting stoked for the days festivities.

In closing, here is a shot of Lise, who I was stoked to be on the hill and getting the goods. What to choose, what to choose? See you there for the morning shred fest. Keep your eyes open for new openings. See the Line, BE the Line!!!

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