12-14-18 by dave

The Grooming Crew put an extra dollop of love on the dance floor, leaving delightful carpets of AHHH on both sides of the hill. Traffic was light, and back to back Trams were easy and fast. The Road To Provo was open again today, and it was offering a lot of lines early after it was opened so late yesterday. I was focusing on the soft feel of flannel underfoot with the combination of wind transported snow, continued snow making efforts made the morning a carve fest indeed. My friend Deb brought me this beautiful Christmas Present with The Trailer set in a Winter scene. What a wonderful gift and hit it spot on!! Thanks you so much Deb!! The quality of the snow held up nicely all day as light traffic, cool temps. and low Sun angle kept it preserved. I skied quite late today to take advantage of the the great turns. Regulator was wonderful all day and I was getting the best turns late as the dust started piling up. Here is a shot of The Goddess Of Vision standing on the peak with The Twins standing tall. It was a treat to speak to her on such a perfect day. Tomorrow, look for a small bit of weather as a brush by moves through. We’ll have to see if any precipitation materializes. The Grooming Crew will have prepared smooth consistent lines on both sides of the hill and it will be great. The off trail is becoming a bit stiff, but is still offering that dry chalky feel and is responding well to some of the well traveled lines. Keep your eyes open for those smoother sections. Here is a shot of the Powder Bird Guides that were setting the pace when I started at Snowbird in ’76. It was so great to have them all together again and catch up. I will be taking the day off, so enjoy. Speed Safely!!

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