This morning was very mild, with no wind, bright Sun, and perfect corduroy lines on all sides of the hill. I checked out the lines out on a Lewis and Clark lap, where the machine worked lines had been augmented by wind transported goodness that made turning a religious experience. I just had to do numerous laps there to take advantage of all the un tracked corduroy lines that were begging for some attention. Here is a shot of the cliffs out on Ski Patrol Gully. Freshly mowed lines were also going off on Gad 2, where those steep Gadzooks sections offered a rare occasion to get them that smooth. On the Peruvian side of the hill, that apron under the Cirque, and Anderson’s Hill were another high point of the morning, with dry chalky consistency reminding me of some back country natural wind slab. I stopped in the Summit for a brief moment before things got rolling and got this shot of The Twins framed by the large window wall. What a view from such a special building which is such a great addition to what the Bird has to offer.
It would not be long until this space was packed with folks enjoying the ambience of this great room. Tomorrow, look for another sunny day, with more great lines to rip right from the word GO!! Look for those wind slabbed lines for great off trail runs. The Hillary Step gate opened today and there were lots of smooth long shots of wind buffed slab to dial in some deep arcs. Coverage is great on all aspects, and it is fun to get out and check out some of the further afield aspects that are now good to go.
During the morning breakfast session, Julia, from Living Creations, was putting out these amazing arrangements on the tables of the Forklift. Her arrangements always catch my eye as photographic moments. This shot of this flower in the morning sun is a great study of contrast and color. It is like an explosion of form held still in the moment. See you dark and early for another ripping day of deep carving fun. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!
12-29-16 by dave