The Sun shown brightly, with only some clouds far off to the South. There was a stiff breeze blowing off the ridge tops, but off the ridge lines it was still and balmy. The Groomers were, once again, off the charts buffed, with the big lines in Mineral Basin offering some real ground pounding fun. The off trail was consolidating nicely as the pack firms up, so lines off the beaten path were feeling very nice, though there was some static with the traffic that has been working it. Here is a great shot Neil took from the Bookends looking back at Lewis and Clark. You have to love it when you can see for miles and miles. The was a lot of traffic today, but the lift lines were short and fast. The front of the hill was offering top to bottom lines that kept the back to back pace a fun fest and a work out when you kept the laps going non stop. There have been a couple of new lines that have been machine worked after all the snow, and these shots always remind me of some of the big back country drops that require a lot of work to get. Perfect wind slab is a treasure, and extra special when you have a lift to get back for more. Tomorrow, look for more great lines to be on tap for the morning session. Follow the Sun to get the great illumination and vacant runs before the crowd arrives. Traffic should be a bit thicker tomorrow, but the lift capacity has been keeping up. Look for the wind smooth lines on the Northeast aspects that are still holding the smooth.
Kazoodi hosted an apres ski pizza extravaganza today, where he was testing out some of the new recipes he has been chasing. Here is the first pie coming out of the oven. His pies are out of this world. Here he is using an iron pan technique. Here is a shot of the pan Pizza cooling before the taste test.
MMMMMM Goood!!! I will be taking the day off tomorrow to rest up and re calibrate the antenna array after the high winds hit it hard during that last storm. Stay Frosty!!
12-30-16 by dave