3-12-23 by dave

The flow continued today, with light precip. lots of great lines still available, and more in the forecast. The wind and accumulation have really filled in the the lines on the hill, which were full anyway, but the transport has filled in lines with a lot more goodness to make them straight up epic. The Upper Cirque is looking as fat as I have seen it in years, and with all the wind it is as smooth as can be.

The view South from the top of a Lewis and Clark line, looking clear and magnificent.

Tomorrow, look for more variable visibility as this flow continues and light snow still in the forecast. The Groomers will be offering amazing carpets of AHHHHHH for your carving pleasure. The temps are much milder with this Westerly flow, but I will still be dressing for weather. I will also be looking far afield for those shots that I have held off on, but with all this snow and transported product I will be taking the extra effort to make them a regular part of my explorations. See you there to begin a new week of big mountain magic. Stay Frosty!!!

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