4-06-22 by dave

The sky was super blue and the morning was very cold, with stout wind that made it feel like full on Winter. High overnight winds had moved yesterday’s installment around and left some scoured areas and long wind packed lines that felt good. Mineral Basin was very firm, but the dry lines offered plenty of traction to keep thing real. On the front of the hill, firm lines were smooth and had some dry loose snow. There was no softening today except for the flat direct areas out of the wind.

Rick The Jazz Man standing next to today’s Gad 2 Quote of the Day. Google it, it’s easy to find. The man himself!!

Tomorrow, look for more firm smooth conditions. I’ll be looking for some wind blown lines that may have set up overnight. Mineral will be offering the best lines to start out the day. I’ll be dressing for cold again. Wind will still be up. Stay Frosty!!

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