A cloud deck moved over the range this morning, filtering the Sun and slowing the softening of the pack. Mineral Basin was offering some very nice lines for the opening bell, which were smooth, silky and fun. The Baldy Chair offered a Lewis and Clark extravaganza with low traffic, good visibility and great carving. The Gad side of the hill was going to take a while to break and the Peruvian Gulch offered some good traction and wide open lines with no traffic.

Tomorrow, look for more great Spring conditions, a bit warmer temps to start and good cover top to bottom. I expect traffic to remain low, and lots of sorbet lines when the break hits its max point. Today offered some sweet sorbet consistency when the break went off. Just delightful. I’ll be taking the day off, so dial in the high edge angles for me. Dial it up, Dial it in!!!