3-10-22 by dave

The storm clouds were clearing off, the temps were very cold, the powder was waiting and The Faithful were in full court press mode right out of the chute. As early as I got there, which was plenty early, I wasn’t early enough. Amazing conditions were there for the choosing all over the hill as the sections of the mountain opened as they were controlled.

Mikey M dailing up a sumptuous line on the Gad Chutes.

The stoke was off the chart high, with the promise of the best conditions of the season.

Tony Lewis throwing spray as he takes advantage of the full platform engagement this installment provided out on Baldy.

The day stayed very cold with a stiff wind that had affected some of the aspects, but, for the most part, the consistency was epic indeed.

Doc, floating on a cloud of Essence out on Baldy.

Like I said yesterday, today was going to be fun and it most certainly was and the hill is getting better by the day. Tomorrow, look for lines to still be happening on the outer reaches and whatever sections that had remained closed today. The temps will remain cold as the Northerly flow is still in place. The Sun will be out, so great visibility will be a treat all over the hill.

Team Cochrane from London were enjoying the ambiance of the Planetary Office while waiting for the control work to be completed. They were very stoked with the amazing conditions.

I’ll try and get an even earlier start in the AM and will be dressing for cold. As Joe Man the Snow Man says, “Don’t Skimp On The Groove Sauce”!!!

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