It was a clear cold morning, with peak temps. in the very low range, however, the still air and bright Sun made Mineral Basin feel quite balmy. Amazing grooming had been prepared, and some laps on a Lewis and Clark sojourn were rewarded with perfect Hydro Velvet that let you explore your inner Ligety. The off trail was a bit wind affected, and required a very direct approach. On the front side of the hill, the temps. seemed much colder in the shade, and the snow seemed slow with the cold, but the dry chalky feel of the corduroy kept me working those lines till breakfast. The Road to Provo opened with a wide range of conditions depending on what aspect you chose. It seemed the High North and far reaches had the best quality, though the stiff harbor chop on the lower section kept your full attention. I was still working some of those lines that I have been working the last couple of days and got good soft spots. Here is Team Awesome, who were recharging on the peak at The Summit. They are all avid readers of the site and were really loving the clear skies, unlimited visibility, and great snow. Tomorrow, look for more amazing machine worked runs on all sides of the hill. There may be some overcast as some flurries are in the forecast. Dress for cold again, as the temps. are going to be quite brisk with this Northwest flow. The off trail still has widespread rumble, but a long round line helps mitigate some of the static.
While up at The Summit, I stopped and took this shot of the staircase that ascends out over the expanse of Mineral Basin. I love the lines and amazing wood work that makes this such a cool feature. See you for the morning shredfest. Dial it up, Dial it in!!
2-21-18 by dave