I had a very nice time at Brew Fest today, the weather was perfect and there was some great music in the main area. I got there early so I could grab lunch at the Forklift and then hit the music venue where a good friend of mine was playing with Sin City Soul. They were outstanding and were as tight and funky as can be. I had never heard him play even though I have know Dude for over 40 years. Somehow, I just never was able to get to it, but here is a shot of the band rocking it old school.There were numerous acts to come after this group, so the day was full of music and fun. They had a very nice arts and crafts area that had cool stalls with a wide variety to shop. Here is a great shot of the Dude himself working bass line and locking in the groove.
Make it a point to get up there for tomorrow’s festivities, as the weather will be great and the beer is flowing. Stay Frosty!!
6-13-15 by dave