The wind was nuking this morning and continued throughout the day, transporting loose snow and redepositing it on the High North aspects. The transport was significant and would fill in the tracks as soon as you passed. Even Regulator was benefiting from the wind deposited lines that made me slow way down to dig into as much of that perfect carpet that I could. Temps. were warmer, but that wind just cut through and made the wind chill biting. Mineral Basin was the warmest place on the hill, with the wind a bit more sedate and Groomers offering some really nice untracked corduroy for the morning session. Here is a shot of Timp. taken from the landing this morning with the bright Sun and deep blue sky. The off trail is getting more consolidated as the traffic works the dance floor, and the features that are being exposed are in plain view, but there are features that will be unseen, so still use as much of your Spidy sense as you can. Tomorrow, look for another great day on the hill with great Grooming, some of those High North aspects to be offering some nice wind buff, and more cold temps to still be hanging on. There have been a few more surprise sections that have gotten the Grooming treatment and are feeling dry and chalky before they get too worked. Keep your eyes pealed for those new lines. While I was having my Forklift Breakfast I was taken by these fresh cut flowers that are the center pieces on the tables. I have been studying fractal geometry for the past year, and found this example of the fractal field to be very interesting. Nature always conforms to the Golden Ratio!!
I will be taking the day off tomorrow, so have at the fresh corduroy for me. You will not be disappointed. Don’t forget to look for those threads of wind deposited buff for some dream like turns. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!
1-01-16 by dave
If you’re into fractals and nature then check out Fibonnaci
I am into all permutations of the Golden Section. Fibonnaci is right in there as well, though there is a point toward Zero that gets interesting.