The brutal heat of the Summer is abating a bit as we hit these August Days, and there are some cool mornings creeping in. I came back to down from the High Desert after a long stretch where I spent a lot of time in Comic Contemplation. I took a trip to the peak to see the developments that are really exciting indeed. Here is Kirk, one of the very key individuals, who helps keep all the balls in the air at the same time. I have no idea how he does it, but he makes it look easy, though it is very much NOT. The structure is getting closed in rapidly, with much of the window framing all up and taking shape. The outside stair case is almost complete and the deck area has been back filled and is very near to the stage where it will be poured. This deck is very extensive and wide open, which will be a very nice spot to hang out during those warmer days. It is amazing that they are building this at 11,000′ and in such a very confined space.
While I was up on the peak I was able to get a shot of some of the amazing wild flowers that have been really going off all Summer long. They are so delicate in contrast to the very extreme terrain in which they grow.
Octoberfest began it’s Fall season run last weekend with some very nice weather and all the activities running all week long. I was watching the folks take fast runs down the Alpine slide
which was looking fast and fun. The Mountain Coaster was looking super fun as well as all the other activities that are on hand. Here is a shot of the Snowbird Uni Mog loaded with kegs
to stoke the taps for the festivities this coming weekend. Be sure to get up there for these August Days and enjoy the cool mountain air and good times that are wall to wall. Stay Frosty!!
8-18-15 by dave
The new building has been an impressive understaking. Even without all the crowds of people all around.