Time is flying right along as we build up the slide into the Winter Season. The leaves are beginning to fall, the temps are cooling, but are still above normal. It sure is nice to get a bit of extended Summer feel. I took a Tram the other day to stand at the same point I will occupy when I step off the for the first run. Just trying to see the future. Here is a shot of Mineral Basin looking South. This terrain is stark and steep, but when it is covered with the goods, it is going to be MMMM MMMM GOOD!!I ran into Ed and Caroline, who were leading a tour off the peak. It is great to touch base with folks who are so in tune with the Mountain and it’s Currents.
The weather was really perfect, and even a sweater was really not needed at all. I was scoping out all the lines and noting the high spots and grassy lines to visualize the internal imaginings that become reality when it is time to get down to it. The peak facility is being worked on hard. All the heavy equipment has been taken down, the last of the external panels will be complete soon. The guard rails are going in, with the stair case almost complete. Here is a shot I got from a much closer point.
I met this gentleman on the peak, who was doing recon for his group that may be coming out next July. I think he will be hard pressed to find a better place to be for an event.
I got my new Dynastar Cham 97’s and I am stoked. Soon I will be able to put them to full use. Look for the Snowbird Secrets site by clicking on the banner. The book has the insights that will prime you for the steep and deep, and it is only $2.99 as as an e version. Don’t for get to hit realskiers. com right there on my links page. Jackson is pumping out some very insightful information on equipment, procurement, and context that is invaluable. Get ready, it will happen fast. Don’t bink!! Syrup Won’t Stop ‘Em!!
10-08-15 by dave