The storm cycle continued today after dumping many feet of freshness on the hill, leaving super deep Essence for The Faithful to experience. Visibility was variable, but the details seemed to be enough to provide solid reference points. As the sections of the hill opened, amazing lines of perfection were waiting. At times I hit the groomed lines that had 7 or so inches covering the smooth buff, which felt incredible underfoot. I got numerous un tracked lines by working the sections that were being ignored. Great Scott was fully fat, and I was able to begin turning right from the very top and did not see any evidence of the fins that had been there just days ago. What a treat to get that entrance full and good to go. Here is a shot of the goods in deep trees. There is a lot of snow here and it is only going to get deeper as continued flurries will be falling all night and into the morning. Tomorrow, look for continued flurries during the day, so dress for storm riding. Visibility should still be variable, but if today is any indication, it should not be much of an issue. I ran into the Snow Queen ” Lori Gibbs, who came out from the coast to be here for the big cycle. She is a World Champion Pro Rider and was getting all of what was being offered. It was a real treat to see her, catch up, and share the vibes that days like this bring. There are still many areas of the hill waiting in the wings to be opened, so there will be plenty of perfection to be had. See you in the morning for more amazing turns. See the Line, BE the Line!!!
1-24-17 by dave