3-31-24 by dave

A nice overnight accumulation was delivered, making for a great day on the hill. With a very unsettled pattern, it was a stormy day and visibility was variable all day long. The prepared lines were offering the smooth surfaces, which had been cushioned by the new freshness. Off trail, the build up of soft snow began to mitigate some of those frozen aspects that were a tad crunchy yesterday. The hill is remaining fairly smooth with all the new accumulation and the interference patterns are morphing back into the pack to make the ride much smoother if you track those high demand lines. Tomorrow, look for more overnight accumulation, more accumulation during the day and lots of fresh lines to find all over the hill. I expect traffic to be a touch lighter, but still there is high demand for the goods. With the hill in such great shape, quality runs are available on all aspects and the crunch from days ago will be getting fully cushioned. Dress for stormy conditions, hopefully the visibility will improve, but take advantage of the wide spread excellent lines that are straight up good to go. Remain Standing!!!

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