The first impulse of the system that moved into the front this morning was a fast, intense, blast of precipitation to begin the day. A larger turn out was on hand for today’s festivities that offered a few inches of freshness that felt great during the first runs. Top to bottom laps were calling the crew for the first two Trams, after which, a contingent of the crew worked the Lewis and Clark lines in the hard driving snow that continued to fall with full intent. Here is a shot of The Carvinator as he pulled in to ride the Forklift Chair and share the recon from the explorations in the far reaches. It is very apparent that he got all of it as a reward for going the extra miles for the goods. The intensity of the snow fall seemed to abate a bit during breakfast, with even a wink at the hill from the Sun, but the intensity rebuilt and kept piling up the Essence. Low angle aspects were offering the best ride, with the new product cushioning the ride, while the steeper pitches were getting scraped and piled up to form the Tiles and Piles consistency that became quite difficult. It required a very long averaged turn to keep the flow going to avoid the slip out after a pile hit. Here is a shot of the Subaru Mascot covered in a fresh blanket of the goodness as an indication of the rapid accumulation.
Tomorrow, look for much greater accumulation to have been delivered overnight as the rain has been an insistent drumming on the Trailer all afternoon. With the added accumulation, the off trail will become approachable. Today’s forays off trail proved to be a bit premature and I was sent motoring back to the smooth ASAP. Still, the bottom will be in play, so tread with caution and stay with know lines to avoid covered features. The Groomed lines will be offering the smoothest consistency. Today also featured Sully’s cheese burger luncheon for the patrol and invited guests. Here is a shot of the festivities in full effect. Thanks Sully, that was a great time on the peak with great friends.
Get ready for the Spring Powder in the AM. and expect a big turnout for the occasion. See you there for the freshies. Straight Ahead!!
4-08-15 by dave
Yeah, “freshness !”