A very hard freeze overnight left the hill very firm on the front side, but in Mineral Basin the Sun had a chance to soften the prepared lines. White Diamonds was offering crystal corn on the first few runs, with a much softer feel on Lower Silver Dipper as that lower elevation seemed to have escaped the cold somehow. Light traffic back there made it seem like a private resort until the faithful started showing up. I checked out the Front of the Hill and found it needed a bit more time, so I retreated to the Forklift Chair to let softening occur. After breakfast, the Peruvian Gulch was breaking, and the prepared lines felt like back country corn goodness top to bottom. As it thawed out, aspects seemed to get better with each run. Here is a shot of Upper PrimrosePath that had been given a very nice treatment, which held up for a very long time. When the Gad side of the hill broke, I did some checking around the off trail offerings to see if I could find some soft turns. I found an East facing aspect out on Last Chance that offered up the sorbet delight I was looking for. Here is a great shot of Team Bellantino who were ready to hit the goods in Mineral Basin and were stoked for the Peak Experience.
Tomorrow, I return to the Dark Matter Wars, which are on going and relentless, but victory is assured, for it is written- on whatever it is that they write it on up there- !! Today marked the last day of full operation, and we will have to wait until next Weekend for more of the corn goodness. There is weather in the forecast, so we may see a fresh coat of smooth covering the hill on our return. As Joe Man The Snow Man says ” Don’t Skimp On The Groove Sauce”!!!
5-14-17 by dave