It was a clear cold morning as the First Tram hit the peak. The snow guns were blazing all night long, delivering a sweet coating of Gun Powder that was a serious treat to start the day. I dialed back the roll to dig in as deep as I could into each turn to get as much as I could of that delight. With the terrain being limited, you have to take the high lights where you find them. A nice job by the Cat Crew made the line down the lower mountain smooth, where good traction was easy to get, though it is still a bit firm. Here is a shot of the Guns Blazing on Regulator. You can tell by the ski wash that the consistency was dry and cold, with the product blowing up and hanging in the still morning air. There was fairly light traffic, so walk on Trams were happening when I got down from my first run. I really like the new RFID passes, as they let you walk right through the gate with no waiting. I still find myself trying to dig my pass out of my coat just out of habit, but it is no longer an issue. Sweet. The air was clear and cold and I got this shot looking down canyon. This view never gets old.
The Sun is still low in the sky during the first morning hour or so, so Regulator is in the shade, however, that seems to preserve the quality just that much longer. Tomorrow, look for another Gun Powder morning of fun after the guns do their work. You can still expect great coverage, with no rocks top to bottom. I am very surprised by the great cover. The Snow Makers and Cat Crew have been doing a great job keeping things good to go. Be sure to get there early for the best of the day and the easy traffic in the early hours. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘ EM!!
11-21-15 by dave