2-04-10 by dave

A sunny Thursday was ,no doubt, good to go from the word go.  A touch of fresh overnight frosted the hill with goodness.   The Groomers have been holding smooth all day long, maintaining that cold snow consistency.   An icy patch is rare these days with positive traction the rule.  There is that distinct possibility that you might catch one, but the next section will carry you through.  This is in sharp contrast to the super hard with islands of soft to aim for.   Yea, I remember those early weeks….. glad it is now and we are poised for the Real Deal  in all categories. Those big release zones still have very little cover, be cautious as you traverse those.   I will be back on the program tomorrow as I have completed my deliberations with the Dark Side , and I am confident in the valiant forces that still battle daily for success. ” Now” it is, so see you there in the AM.   IBBY!!!

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