It was a beautiful morning with a bit warmer temps, which meant that the break was going to go off faster than the past couple of days. Mineral Basin was offering the best quality for softening lines and there were wide open runs and light traffic. When the Break went off, the sweet window was quite long before things began to get a bit too soft. That Sorbet window is just so delightful when you get that soft full platform engagement with each turn. Kind of feels like cheating. Follow the Sun!!

Tomorrow, look for more great Spring sliding, with plenty of cover, smooth prepared lines and a big window of great soft corn goodness when the break goes off. Tomorrow also is the last day of the Baldy Chair, so get your laps out there before it ends. Remember to stay for the great music and festivities on the Plaza Deck beginning around 2PM. See you there for the early lines in the back bowl. Straight Ahead!!