Archive for December, 2022



The winds were shaking The Trailer all night long and did not let up at all today. With wind speed that high, it kept all the lifts but Chickedee off line for the day. The wind also was super smoothing all the surfaces as it swirled, buffed, and deposited all the loose material on all aspects. Gone now are all the interference patterns, rumble and static that was resident on the the hill, and a fresh canvas is now prepared for the incoming storm that is on the doorstep.

I took this shot the other day when the wind was high, but today’s event was of another order.

Tomorrow, look for continued wind as the front approaches, and will deliver another installment to add to the pack. With the smooth substrate, the hill will be in perfect condition to throw down with unmitigated audacity. Be sure to check the Bird’s site for updates on openings and current weather conditions. Dial it up, Dial it in!!!