Another very warm day with shrouded sunlight, very firm prepared lines, light traffic, made for great training runs top to bottom. I was on a full on observation program, looking at the hill with an eye for lines that will be good to go when this incoming weather begins to fill things in. I was also taking careful notes of lines I will still be avoiding for some time till they get packed out once again, giving them a bit more cushion. Some areas of Sun popped out after Noon, making the visibility more well defined which was a nice touch.

Storms are lined up to move in over the next few days, with Christmas Day delivering the brunt of the energy. Tomorrow, look for some light accumulation, marginal visibility, still very firm prepared lines, and light traffic to be on tap. The flow is looking much better and I am confident that the hill will come together quickly and get more accessible with each passing impulse.

Now is the time to dial in your best inner visualizations of overhead face shots, so as to manifest an epic cycle. Why not indeed!!!!