The temps were much warmer this morning, which was a real treat after this last blast of frigid air. The Sun was high and all sides of the hill were offering great options. I opted to hit the Peruvian Gulch to take advantage of those sweet machine worked lines that have been vacant with all the traffic going toward the Sun. Mineral Basin was also quite nice, with some machine worked lines that brought back the memories from last year’s ground pounding fun.

Perfect corduroy was on tap for the early risers, which let you dial in as much touch and go as desired. All those training days of sketchy glaze came into play with solid contact and perfectly tracking edges. Traffic was light and back to back walk on Trams were a treat with few folks on the hill. With the warmer temps, the comfort level was bumped up a few notches, making for a much more relaxed feel. Tomorrow, look for more excellent lines on all sides of the hill. Freshly tilled lines will be happening, giving you the option to dial in those top to bottom runs that gets your motor runnin’. I think the temps will be holding out for a bit yet before the big Polar air mass drops down going into this weekend. Stay Frosty!!