12-18-15 by dave

A strange crust of rime ice covered every square inch of the hill over night, that made the morning session very interesting indeed.  As the crust got worked over on the Groomers, the crystals became a nice turning surface on the smooth runs.  Off trail, there was a zipper crust that made turning a very dicey proposition.  I ventured off the beaten path and found myself heading back to the smooth as fast as I could.  The off trail got much better as it got skied out by the persistent traffic that was on hand for the occasion.  The lifts kept up with the demand and there were no lines for the lifts.  The Sun came out and the warming temps. kept improving the feel of the dance floor.  Here is a shot of the Bingham Mine covered in fresh snow in the morning Sun.DSC03296It seems to me that every time we get one of these unusual freezing rain events, we get a very heavy dose of the Goods for an extended period afterward.  The forecast is for just such a stretch of weather.  Here is a shot of the unusual crystals covering the safety bar on the Peruvian Chair lit in the early afternoon Sun.  DSC03303Tomorrow, look for the Groomers to be offering some very nice corduroy, which will be more consistent than today’s feel after it all gets mixed into the mat.  Traffic may well be brisk, but I think the lifts will be keeping pace nicely.  The off trail is getting filled in and worked over well with lots of traffic, so the interference patterns are building and the important features are becoming more apparent.  I am still holding out for just a bit more buffer before getting too far afield.  I will be taking tomorrow off to get some chores done here at the Trailer.  I will leave you with a shot of the top of Anderson’s Hill looking tantalizing in the Sun.  Soon it will be ready for prime time.  IBBY!!DSC03306

One Response to “STRANGE CRUST”

  1. Ron says:

    This is such a nice news for skiing and snowboarding lovers, thanks for such update.

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