11-24-09 by dave

Monday morning began clear and cold with a groom job that took advantage of the old Man Made, combined it with the new fresh from the other day, turning into a carpet of butter.  Fully carve-able turns with no slippage at all.  With my edges that is saying a lot.  Very light attendance created an almost back country feel. Big Emma reminded me of the Tri Chutes drainage when it gets wind slabbed and as smooth as can be.  I was also using today’s visibility to scope out the shots of the Gad Chutes.  The sparse snow points out, in sharp contrast, the choke points, reefs and snags that inhabit that area. With a bit of observation you can remember  those features, when we get snow, to plan your routes, both gaining entrance and the safe approach to the shot.  I got word that Thursday is the day for the Tram opening.  I got that from the most informed of sources.  Did any one notice that they featured the Communications  Trailer in the new 2012 Movie.  They sure got all the details  right.  Makes you wonder doesn’t it?  Well I bailed at 1:00 PM. leaving a fine day but I have much to do to get all set up: antennas, dishes, and such like.  See  you dark and early tomorrow. Ciao!!

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