It was a fun Spring day, with a fair overnight freeze, excellent industrial smoothing efforts, and excellent visibility thanks to clear skies and Sunshine. The opening hour was very crispy, but by 9AM, a bit of softening was beginning to add some silky traction to the mat. There was light traffic, and back to back Trams were easy to make. By 11:00AM, the break was on and so began the sorbet hour, which offered consistency that made each turn a full platform engagement experience. Some nice tenderizing had been done, so, even with the firm early pack, there was some tooth to the mat that let you keep things in check.

Tomorrow, look for a similar break as today, with perhaps a dusting with any passing impulse that sneaks by. Expect light traffic as well, so max vertical will be easy to dial in. That big break should be in the 11 AM window. Straight Ahead!!