4-10-21 by dave

It was another sweet day of Spring Crusin’ with wide open lines of Groomed goodness and bright Sun. More steep lines were prepared once again, which were smooth and consistent. Staying ahead of the Sun work was key for the best quality, but it took patience to wait for the break. Here is shot I got yesterday of the surface features as the Sun works the direct aspects.

High contrast shadows really show off the relief in this Sun affected surface. When you catch this surface as it softens it is a delight.

Tomorrow, look for more Spring excellence, with groomed lines that will be wide open and fun. Stay with the Sun softened lines for the best ride, with Mineral Basin offering the best of the early morning offerings. I attended Kazoodi’s Pizza Tasting party last night and it was really amazing. Nothing like fresh pie right out of the Pizza Oven.

I love the char on the edges of this Makin’ pie. It was a flavor bonanza!!

See you there for the morning session as the wide open lines will be rippen’ smooth. Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

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