2-28-19 by dave

Visibility was variable this morning, but there was just enough definition to give Mineral Basin a try. White Diamonds-Lower Silver Dipper was the call for the opening, which offered smooth grooming that made trust in the turn a no brainer. Lone Star was also prepared, with that top to bottom smooth that really gets your attention at the bottom of the run. On the front of the hill, The Big Smooth had been prepared for only the second time of the season, with a much wider treatment on the upper section that let you drop that full vertical line without let up. Lower Primrose wrapped up the bottom section of The Smooth with that natural half pipe, making you feel unstoppable. Here is a shot of The Mogul Meisters, who were mounting up for a full scale assault on the smooth top to bottom lines that were waiting for Go Time!!

As the day progressed, visibility became more challenging, and snow began to fall in earnest. Tomorrow, look for some more accumulation overnight as there is more energy moving into The Front. Look for the smooth Machine worked lines to give you the trustworthy feel you need in the marginal visibility. Stay with the trees for the best definition. There is still quite a bit of crunch in the substrate from the past few days, so look for those filled smooth aspects that will reduce the static. IBBY!!

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