3-05-10 by dave

As anticipated the Canyon had closure issues this Friday morning, but opened promptly with the faithful backed up to the freeway in both directions.  Needless to say the long wait is over and the new installment did not disappoint the joyous throng that did not have to wait for the mountain to open, as the Patrol had things going off right on time.  The Tram sported a 4 Tram wait as I moved into the line, so I opted to take advantage of the Peruvian chair that was walk on clear.   Lower Baldy, and quickly Upper Baldy, was open right out of the chute giving me the drop on freshies all along the traverse.  I was wondering why every one was going straight as I rode the chair up, but I soon found out that the significant depth and higher density snow combined to  necessitate a full on direct approach to the hill.  The extra heft cushioned the substrate rendering it out of play on all exposures.  The wind had worked areas into deep rolls, stopping me cold several times as I cut the traverse to the steepest shot in an effort to get some turns going.  Even the folks with the reverse camber skis were wallowing in the knee deep fluffulecence.  The Gad side of the hill seemed to have a lighter feel to it as I ventured out the traverse to sample shots I have been neglecting for some time now.  I was rewarded with blower deep shots where ever I pointed  ’em.   For those that have difficulty with deep snow there was some grooming to be had, but that was in short supply as the grooming had been done last night for the most part, with only minimal packing on the Gad side.  Well, when it snows it dumps to steal an adage, and great dumpage  it was, being just the consistency that we needed to restart the powder cycle.  Tomorrow is forecast to be sunny with new snow on tap for early in the week.  The snow should stay soft and wonderful on all aspects until the Sun begins to work the obvious aspects.  North facing will be spared the brunt of the rays so look there as the day progresses.  Little Cloud will be fresh for those who missed out on today’s fun, but wont last long as the faithful are still hungry and enthused.  Who can blame them.  I will be off planet for the next two days and my communication device cannot  penetrate the static of the  fantasy world I will be visiting, but I will endeavor to attempt some kind of back door release if I can. In the mean time enjoy the snow, energy, and fun.  Ill’ Be back on deck for Monday.   IBBY

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