1-17-13 by dave

DSC01203The hill is warming up nicely as the inversion builds.  It was a beautiful day above the gloom of the Valley, and the Groomers were offering some of the best velvet smooth rides anywhere.   The Cat Crew has been punching out some new and exciting lines for us to sample and the high speed dial is cranked up to 11.   Some of the long wind buffed lines from recent days are a bit more choppy after the heavy traffic, but other lines are getting better with the traffic as they smooth out as they get worked.  You just have to look around a bit.  A low amplitude rumble is fairly wide spread off trail and those wind lines will get you around them, but for those who love the bumps, you will find some higher amplitude patterns in the heavily traveled areas.   Penelope, was telling me how she looks for just the right line of bumps and thought that there are sections that have some very nice rhythm to them.  Tomorrow, look for increased warming which will seem even more tropical than today.   These warm temps are a welcome relief after the ultra cold we endured last week.  It really makes you appreciate the comfort that warmer temps provide.  The snow is still holding the cold for the most part, but the direct South lines were feeling a bit pasty later in the day, so look for some crunch on those lines.  See you there for another day of high octane rock and roll.   Here is a shot of Mark Malu looking smooth and silky.  Just perfect for a total commitment to the fall line.    Peace Out!!

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