4-26-16 by dave

More Spring frosting was added to the pack this morning and it continued to fall all day long.  While the rain pounded the Trailer all night, there was only a few inches of freshness for the opening bell.  The temps. were a bit colder this morning and the product was a bit less dense than it was yesterday, making the turns much easier to negotiate, especially after it got tracked out.   The Morning Crew went to the top of the Hill and worked the fresh lines on Regulator which felt smooth and dialable on the Groomed sections.  The off trail was still difficult after the wet product from yesterday froze up.  Gad 2 opened up, and the off trail there was much deeper as it had not been worked in some days, though there was a big of a crust to deal with here and there.  The Trees there felt the best and were getting a lot off attention.   The 4 spools of Tram Cables arrived today and were off loaded up in the staging area behind the Plaza.  Here is a shotDSC03798of one of the spools on the lowboy.  It weighs 54 tons and is one continuous thread that contains a fiberoptic element for data transmission to the peak and back. All the elements were in place for the arrival, with a huge Grove Crane staged up and ready to off load each of the 4 trucks.  Here is a shot of the first spool being lifted off the low boy.  The folks standing around will give DSC03800you a sense of the scale of the load.  Tomorrow, look for more accumulation to be delivered overnight, but how much is uncertain.  Look to the groomed lines for the best quality as the off trail will still be challenging.  Check for lift availability as it changed up today, so there may be more changes.  Shuttle service is available from the Center to the Gad lifts, and is quite quick and easy for the folks with lockers.  Dress for storm riding as it was quite wet on the lifts with all the snow falling. Visibility was only tricky up high, but was quiet good down low.  See you there for the morning session.   Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!

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