2-02-19 by dave

The Trailer was being buffeted by weighty wind gusts that are signaling the arrival of a major cycle that will move into the front tonight and last a few days at least. Up on the hill, the wind was working the open lines, however, the light was flat with the overcast. The Groomers were still good to go wherever you found them, as that last installment left perfect material to work into those carpets of AHHHH. Here is a shot of the Canyon from the other day when the clouds were making me feel like I was in another dimension.

Come to think of it, being on the peak is like being in another dimension. The wind is predicted to really hit the hill hard overnight, with snow beginning to fall as well. Expect some accumulation as just a start on the cycle. Remember your smooth lines to keep the static to a minimum in the variable visibility. This first accumulation should be heavy, and I am hoping it will stick to the old surface and provide some good cushion to make take the old layer out of play. We’ll see. Get ready for another real Utah dump, which brings up all the stories of the old days. I am guessing, these are the good old days. See you for just the beginning. IBBY!!!

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